Engagement + Appreciation = Unity
In keeping with the spirit of the upcoming election; even though there are two parties, our Pennsville Team is always one. The managers’ engagement with the team is the key to our unified success. How do we do this, you ask? Well, let me tell you.
In my office there is a bowl of candy, and yes, I do take special requests. When a team member comes in to grab a snack, this is one great opportunity for me to say “Hi! What’s up? How’s your day? Do you need anything from me?” In the winter months, I change it up and have all flavors of cough drops and tissue’s that are soft.
On my office door I have everyone’s name posted. As they pass by to clock in they are looking for their name to see if anyone new is on board… another chance for me and the managers to engage. The theme on my door changes monthly so there is always a reason to look at it.
If I, or my managers, see an employee looking down (and that usual AM or PM smile is not there) we ask, “Are you ok? Can I help you with anything?” Or take them for a walk.
For Employee Appreciation Day, each manager gets a month and we rotate. Switching who has the lead each month continues the enthusiasm for these parties, almost making them a competition for who throws the best one. The manager planning appreciation day is responsible for the theme, games and food, and distributes flyers throughout both properties. As appreciation day approaches, the management team and I are sure to ask the team members, “Will we see you on Thursday?”
Lastly, remember to thank your team members every day. Personally, I send thank you cards to my team member’s home addresses. Just a simple thank you card with a special note from me and sometimes a few Delco Dollars. I’m excited to see the expression on their faces the day after they get the surprise in the mail and welcome the hugs I receive!
At the end of the day, it’s all about knowing your team. Remember we spend at least 10 hours a day together. Let them know they are not just employee’s… they are family.
For example, your night auditors, if you don’t get to see them, call in! Say, “Hey how are you, do you need anything for me?” and thank them for all they do. Remember they are last line of defense to get to that 100% because; we have empowered them to go for that walk rate!